Thursday, November 13, 2014

Day 14 (Police Station - Passport Photo)

Today was another relatively low key day.  Our appointment wasn't until 2:45, so we had the morning to do what we wished, lunch, naptime, appointment, then farewell dinner with our Beijing Family Travel Group.
The hotel has an indoor playroom (which, though sparse, is fantastic when you just need a break from the room and it is raining outside), and we saw some friends in there and let the children burn off some energy.  It is also nice because there are usually other adoptive families using it and you get to talk to another adult that is on the same type of journey as you and totally gets it. : )  We had some playtime before lunch and then a short walk outside in the courtyard where the girls refused to look at the camera and smile (C is really not a fan of having her picture taken).

This was the smile I got after poking her cheeks a bunch of times...  total fake smile.  : )

Our appointment at the Police Station was super easy.  In fact, I missed most of the important stuff (taking the passport photo) because I was in the restroom with C! This is probably TMI, but if you're travelling to adopt, you need to be prepared for trouble in the number  department with your adopted child.  I brought NOTHING for constipation problems, but was thankfully well supplied by people in the travel group with pureed prune pouches, raisins and individually wrapped prunes.  You can get them here, but they have the pits in them.

So I was in the restroom with C, she was having her "big moment" and the potty was a squatty potty, there were urine puddles on the floor, I was holding C over it, trying to keep her from messing up her clothes and our guide was behind me (C and I couldn't both fit in the stall with the door closed, so I have to leave it open) hurrying us, "Is she done yet?"  "Is she peeing?" "Here's some paper!"  "Let's go - she's done!"  "Clean her up!" "Is she ok?!" "Come on - we'll be late!" And it was one of those moments that you just can't hurry...  you know?!  And I just wanted to wash my hands and sanitize Cs shoes!  Anyway, everything came out ok (ha ha), but I missed the passport picture, and FL was unhappy because C and I were missing, so there you have it. : )  

We had our final dinner together with the D and U family that have been with us since Beijing.  They are each adopting one child, so they will be leaving the 13th and 14th.  I can't express how wonderful it has been to journey together and how supportive and helpful they have been.  They'll always be a part of our story and lives!  We love you and will miss you!   We are so thankful for you!

Things I Glad I Brought (Yesterday and Today):
* Little books and coloring books for the waiting between appointments/interviews (it's hard for the little ones to just sit quietly and wait)
* Sanitizing wipes and purell!!!!
* Snacks - nothing helps the little ones wait like a yummy snack, esp when you don't know how long you'll be there
* Sippy cup for C - FL gets plenty of liquids from her bottle feedings, but C has dropped her bottles and the Sippy often helps comfort her (and hydrate her) when things get a bit overwhelming

Things I Wished I'd Brought:
* water for me - now that both girls are with us, we have so much stuff that you hate to haul anything else around
* a diaper bag - we just don't have a designated bag for the girls and we are constantly packing and repacking Sam's backpack or a plastic bag with what we might need and we always manage to forget something!  It would be easier to have something to grab and go that was ready all of the time
* Shoes for the girls - the leather slippers are really nice, but I'd really like something that I could wipe down and haven't had time to get something here.  Estimate, but two different sizes and leave the tags on so you can return if need be! :)
* Prunes, raisins, children's laxatives
* Cough medicine for children - even though they are approved by the FDA to take it because of their age, they can take a smaller dose.  I wish I had known this and brought it!  Bring the medicines they tell you to - you don't always have easy access to a store that sells it here and when you need it, you NEED it!

Prayer Requests/Praises:
Travelling mercies for all of the families going home!  It is a long flight!
* Hooray for all of the children who now have forever families!  It's a great thing!
* The girls are both sick and having coughing spells at night that can last for 30 min or more - we have a medical examination on Saturday and they need to pass!  Plus, I hate that they are sick and none of us are getting a solid 8 hours of sleep a night.  We started antibiotics - pray they kick in ASAP!
* We are thankful that eventhough they are sick, they are still sweet girls. : )
* I am possibly catching what the girls have - I don't have time to be sick!  Pray that Sam stays healthy and I fight off the sore throat and cough!
* We are ready to come home.  Pray they days pass quickly and that we make the most of this time!


  1. And we are so ready for you to come back. Please stay well. You are 2/3 of the way through the journey. We love and miss you all!

  2. Praying for a healthy happy family and an easy journey home.


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