Monday, November 10, 2014

Forever Family Day - Flora Lin

Today was a day of many good, beautiful and hard things.  We are doing well, we are ok, the girls are both ok, FL's Gotcha Day took all of 30 minutes, and my head was spinning it went so fast (C's took 3 hours).  Both girls are now asleep, and my heart is too full and I haven't quite wrapped my head around everything that happened today and all the changes that have taken place in four lives, so I won't write much, but leave you some pictures.
Flora Lin is a precious child.  She has had a hard lot and has a difficult journey ahead, but she won't be alone and she has been and will be loved more than she knew possible.
Your prayers and GOd's love have carried us through so far.  Please continue to pray and journey with us.  We love you.

Yes, C is in a bed and FL is in the crib.   I am sleeping in between them.  It is what they are both used to, but I will have you know that both girls fell asleep in my arms tonight while Sam read them a story.  Love was the last thing they felt before they drifted off to sleep, as it should be.  God is good.

* FFamily Day went well
* Charlotte did great at FL's FFamily Day after our guide explained to her what was and wasn't happening
* The D family came and helped us out again - a debt we can never repay
* THe family worried about their child's blood test is all clear to fly back to the US as scheduled with no issues!
* Both girls are sleeping right now

* We all sleep through the night
* Both girls will eat well and take their vitamins tomorrow
* For God to continue to give us the skills to parent our daughters
* FL has a chest cold, C is stuffy and coughing and I am fighting off something.  Please pray Sam stays healthy, our health improves as I am basically a giant tissue for both of my girls.  : )
* a skin issue FL seems to have
* That people see God's grace and goodness in all of this.  We certainly do.


  1. I love the picture of Sam and Charlotte!! Amazing how far they've come (bonding, love trust) in such a short amount of time. Wow!! Cannot believe the Family day with FL was only 30 minutes. Omigosh, I cannot even imagine how overwhelming it must be. So excited you are finally all together!!

  2. I can't find the words to express my emotions. My heart is pounding. COME HOME!!!


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