Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 20 (Consulate Appointment)

Today was our last appointment at the US Consulate for approval to immigrate to the US and an oath taking ceremony (which was so unceremonious and I totally missed because I was watching the girls). We don't have any pictures because cameras are not allowed (understandable), but the process went fairly quickly and was pretty painless.  We picked up some paperwork (you know we're never going to be done with it!) at the medical office and walked over to the consulate with all of the girls paperwork and the girls!  We were not allowed to bring in cameras, cell phones, watches (but I did see someone with one on), or bags other than a plastic one with thigns for the girls in it.
We did bring snacks, diapers, wipes and sanatizing wipes.  We were told not to bring any toys, but I almost wish we had brought the girls' dolls and sme small books or something.  They had toys and a children's area, but it was crowded and FL was too overwhelmed to think about it.  C wanted to play in the play house, but there were lots of big kids in it and they had also put all the toys inside of it, so nothing for the girls except one toy I found that no one was playing with (we had to share that between two!).  It was nice to see the other families with their new children in there, and we had a moment to talk to a few of them (one little boy looked SO MUCH like C!  His mama thought so, too!).
After the swearing in ceremony that I didn't know was happening (it took place in front of a clerk window with a mob of parents), we picked up our things and left  We walked back to the medical office where our driver picked us up, then back to the hotel.  Total time it took was between 8:45 when we left and 10:20 when we arrived back at the hotel.  The van ride really makes FL overstimulated and causes her to shut down, so she was like a sack of potatoes the whole time (except for when she didn't want to share the one toy : ) ).  I'm glad it wasn't a full day!
The rest of the day will be packing and rounding up loose ends, so I'll go ahead and post as it is naptime and I don't think I'll have another chance.  I will try to post tomorrow from Hong Kong, but I am not sure what the day will hold.

Things I'm Glad I Brought:
* Snacks for the children
* Wipes, diapers, for just in case

THings I Wished I Had Brought:
* Small toys 
* A clear folder type thing to put the paperwork in
* Baby carriers - when will I learn that no distance is too small for a carrier!  

* A solution to a sleeping for FL - we hope we've found one!
* This BIG transition/craziness for the girls
* A safe trip home!

Thanks so much for reading, leaving comments, messages and praying for us - it is so wonderful to know we have all of you behind us! 


  1. Sallie Claire and I are up due to craziness around the house and an unfortunate accident with a tea cup a little person and SC. SC ended up with a burn on her hand. She and I just read your post. We are praying and look forward to seeing you soon! We love you guys so much!!!! The Burtron Clan

  2. Confetti, fireworks, joyful noises!! You are almost home. Many prayers and happy thoughts. Hey is that C actually smiling for the camera :)

  3. Can. Not. Wait to meet these 2 cuties!!!! Love your stories!!!!


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