Sunday, November 9, 2014

Day 11 (Chen Academy and Market)

Another good day here in Guangzhou!  C woke up without crying, which is always good and is becoming more and more comfortable with him each day.  She is testing the boundaries with me a little more each day and her personality is also showing itself more.  All of these things are good, as it means she is becoming more comfortable and trusting with us.
Today we visited the Chen Academy, which is a school/museum/market for the arts.  The building was beautifully   and intricately decorated. 

 It housed some beautiful works of art, including this piece of wood from Shantou (FL's hometown).  Yes, that is a piece of wood - not a fishnet!

We came across some paper cut outs that we really enjoyed and ended up purchasing a few.  As we were packing them up, the artist came back from his break and we were able to get a picture with him!

The pieces that we are holding take him one whole day to complete.  The paper is one single sheet and about the thickness of tissue paper.  I'm sure it is not easy to work with! That's what I call patience!

I've seen this so many times on blogs, but it is so much cooler to see in person!  This man is painting with his hands and the results are very, very impressive!  The process is just about as amazing as the finished result.

Charlotte did not enjoy sightseeing today.  I think most of it was boredom (museums just aren't very fun when you are two going on three) and that she needed to go to the bathroom, which I am starting to pick up on slowly!  I did my best to take breaks in the courtyards.  I'm hoping to give her a love of flowers and nature!

She is calling Sam "Papa" now, but I still don't have a name.  I had our guide ask her in Mandarin what she called us, but she was unresponsive to the guide (she doesn't like strangers) and gave me an odd stare.  I've decided not to refer to myself as 'mama' at this point because she called her foster mother that and it is not something I want to force on her.  We will see what happens with Flora Lin and go from there.  She's with me all of the time anyway and is great at letting me know what she wants or getting my attention, so there's really no need for a name at this point. : )

After the Chen Academy, we went to a trade type market and picked up some lunch.  We are planning on going a different route with our buying, so we didn't get much there other than two inexpensive painting for the girls, though there was a lot to buy.  I tried to get C to pic out some silks for herself, but she just wasn't into it.  I know they sell the fabric at home, so I can always make them some if they want them. : )
They did serve tea at this market, so I let C get out of the carrier (we both needed a break from it) and she sat at the table ready for her cup.

Dainty but strong - she's even got that little pinky sticking out as she sips her tea!

We also took some time this afternoon to explore with our "Beijing" Family.  We went to the park in Guangzhou for a little bit to let the girls run around.  Sam took over carrying C for me since I needed a break.  She did well! : ) 

The park was very pretty, though I didn't see much of it since I was watching C most of the time.

It was really hard to get a clear shot of the girls all together because they were on the move!!!  It was a blur of pink!

We're so thankful for the families that we have travelled with.  I know I keep saying that, but I really, really mean it!  There are so many big things and little things they've helped out with, and it is so nice to see a familiar face here and there!  Even Charlotte knows them and is beginning to open up to them as well.  Thank you God for our friends!

Tomorrow is Flora Lin's Forever Family Day.  I'm nervous, but know that it is going to be chaotic, beautiful and not what I expect in one way or another.  Please pray for C, as she will be with us.  I know that this day will give her a good bit of anxiety and I won't be able to be fully hers to walk her through that.  I feel very guilty about that, but it is part of adopting two.  The more time I spend with C the more I realize that she and I are very alike and we BOTH need someone else in our daily life.  She's a type A, particular, rule oriented girl like me, so I know this will be best for both of us.  I could go into more detail, but I will spare you.  : )  She is an absolutely fantastic child, but something is missing and that something must be Flora Lin!

Pray for Flora Lin.  This day is so big for her, almost too much for a little girl.  I want her to grieve, but pray that God will give me and Sam the skills we need to be exactly what she needs when she needs it - that we can comfort and show her love in the best way possible.  Pray that I keep my emotions in check.  The people here do not view crying as ok, or lack of a better term.  They don't want the child to cry and they don't want me to cry - it must be a cultural difference.  I tried to explain to our guide today that it was ok for FL to cry and she gave me an odd look and told me to bring a toy to distract her... but enough about that. : )  YOur prayers would be appreciated!

Things I'm Glad I Brought:
* Sanitizing wipes - C had to use the potty today and it needed more than a wipe could give it
* snacks - they keep C happy when waiting for meals, which can be long
* my travel purse - it is easy and versatile (from Magellans)
* my I Pad - I love taking pictures again!
* Children's Vitamins and Omega 3s - I think I've said this before, but it gives me such piece of mind since C isn't really eating what I would call a balanced diet (eggs, noodles, rice and juice!!! oh, and pretzels)
*Shoes for C - I haven't found what I've been looking for here yet for a good price, and I almost didn't bring any because I thought I'd find something easily

Things I Wished I'd Had:
* small toys for C while waiting (dinner wait can be LONG)
* natural insect repellant - some sort of mosquito fever going on here and I hated putting OFF all over C today
* planned shopping and meals a little better - everything isn't right there like you'd think it would be
* sippy cups for C - I have no idea why I didn't bring these, but we only have one that was given to us!
* some sort of easy devotional or scripture reading for the day - it is SO HARD to fit it in (even though I am blogging...  hmmmm...)  

Prayer Requests:
* Flora Lin's FFamily Day
* Flora Lin
* God's help in our parenting
* Charlotte during this transition
* One of the families is still waiting for word on their daughter's bloodwork.  Please pray that it will be a "non-issue"

Signing off for now - I don't know what's ahead, but I'll return to the blog ASAP to let you know how things are going.  THanks for your prayers, love and support!


  1. oh gosh, I'll be thinking and waiting and praying for all of you!! By the time I post this I am assuming you already have FL. I will patiently wait to hear how wonderfully you are doing!! I know you will have challenges but believe it will be wonderful . . . .

  2. Thinking of all FOUR of you all day, every day.


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