Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hand Me Downs Rock!

Especially when they are SHOES which a certain girl in this house loves (and another girl loves whatever her sister loves).  
We about came unglued with excitement when we saw the shoes!  We squealed when mom put them on and ran to our papa screaming to show him!   We even agreed to pose for pictures we were so happy!  It made our night!

(This girl loves bows because her sister loves bows, but her hair just doesn't hold them very well.  I'm still trying to put one in per her request, though!)

We're so thankful for all the hand me down clothes, shoes, toys and learning supplies that people have passed down to us or bought for us!  Believe me we have used them again and again.  It was very nice to come home to a place that was filled with so many good things for our girls to wear and to use!
Thank you!!!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

First Days Home

Things are going well!  Just wanted to give you a few picture updates and I hope to post more about our first days during naptime tomorrow! : )

Fatherhood suits him, don't you think?  Stay at home dad, maybe?! ; )

Adoption is not all flowers and sunshine - somebody smacked somebody shortly after this picture was taken.  They will remain nameless.
 All in all the girls get along well, despite the incident mentioned above!

I'll hopefully be back to posting more regularly as we continue to settle in and refine our schedule.  I've got so much to say and so little time to say it! : )  Thanks for sticking with us and continuing to read!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Day ???? (The Long Way Home : ))

Thanks for all of the prayers during our travel - we are home and the 30 or so hours of travel went as well as they could have!  I had asked for prayers for a good tailwind to bring us home quickly, and the first thing the pilot said on the plane was that we would have a great tailwind and possibly have our flight shortened by an hour and 30 minutes!!!  I had just told Sam aabout my prayer request, so I shot him a look of surprise and happiness!  In fact, our flight was an hour and 45 minutes shorter - the pilot said it was the shortest flight from Hong Kong to Dallas that he had ever had!  THANK YOU!
In my opionion, the girls did really well on the plane.  THey didn't sleep much though, unfortunately.  FL took about an hour and a half nap and C only an hour.  Their sleep time, which we mistakenly tried to push them into early (7:00 instead of 9:30) with a little help from benadryl didn't go great.  FL tossed and turned most of the flight and C took a very long time to sleep, and really only slept about 5 hours.  FL got about 8.  They are used to about 10 for nighttime.  C didn't cry hardly at all.  Fl had a hard time because she finds light very stimulating and we had computer screens in the seats she wanted to turn on and various people (not meaning any harm) would turn on their overhead lights during the flight, waking her and causing her to fuss.  She didn't want to be held and she didn't want to be in her seat.  Their wasn't much room for her to lay down, but she had to.  Their wasn't any room for C to lay down and she didn't want ANY pillows propping her up, thought she tolerated them at naptime.

THis was my view during their nap time. : )  We were glad that FL never figured out how to unbuckle the seatbelt (remember, this is the first time they have EVER been buckled in anywhere - they don't use seatbelts or car seats in China.  The girls always sat on our laps.) because it kept her from sliding off the seat and flailing around!  C is a type A rule follower, so she never even tried to unbuckle it.  She's something else!  THe girls are so different personality wise, and I'm so thankful! : )  It keeps it fun and interesting.
Eventhough FL had a hard time settling down and cried a little, it wasn't much.  Just loud and short and to the point!  I was really proud of them and the way they acted most of the time.  Great kids - big blessing!
Our plane in general was very "active."  Our big flight on the way to China was very quiet, dark and still.  This flight, the population was very busy.  The crew was always passing out something (which was fine), but not very quietly.  THe people were up and down, turning on lights, opening the shades, talking and laughing the entire flight.  I expected people to settle down at some point, but for the most part, they didn't.  I think this made it harder for the girls to sleep, in addition to the amout of light on the plane.  Sam didn't sleep at all for fear that FL would fall off of the seat (we unbuckled the belt at one point) and I got about 30 minutes worth maybe.  
We couldn't bring water onto the plane (they made us dump out what we had for FL's bottles except for what fit into a sippy cup), so the girls got dehydrated on the flight, as did we.  If you asked for water for your beverage, you got the little cup, which just didn't satisfy your thirst.  If you plan on making a flight like this, please hydrate yourself and your children as much as you can before you get on the plane.  Start 24 hours before.  Also, bring lip balm for yourself and your children.  We all had horribly chapped lips from the flight, though the girls were worse because the lip balm I had had menthol in it, which I knew would make their lips feel like they were burning a little, so I didn't even try to put it on.  They are just fine now, in case you are wondering! : )  THe air on the plane is very dry, so that's what causes this.
During the flight, I worried about keeping the girls entertained.  

* I knew that the i pad would be a last resort, as the light is stimulating and I only had one i pad and two girls!!!  
*They colored for about 15 to 20 minutes, 
*looked at little board books for about 15 minutes, 
*ate plane food for about 20 minutes (the rice dish had a hot pepper on top of it that looked like a green bean - it burned Sam and FL's mouth, but I was able to save C and myself from that pain!  Watch out for the rice and vegetable dish on the American Airlines flight!), 
*played with one button on the seatback for about 20 minutes on and off (we took the remote out and hid it in the seatpocket since it had a "call attendant" button and all the girls wanted to do was push it!) 
*and stickers for about 45 minutes (C probably an hour or more) which was my saving grace.  

I wish I had remembered to bring pipecleaners and playdough on the plane.  If you plan to fly for this amout of time with children this age (18 months to 2.5), plan for each activity your bring to entertain for about 20 minutes.  I wish I had thought things out a little better and had a play plan, but I ran out of time and brainpower when I was packing!  THe stickers were great because they could peel them off my fingers and stick them in the coloring book, on their pillow, on me, on themselves, on their backpack (C thought that was so fun!) or in a big glob, which C favored the most.  They didn't really care what the stickers were.  I even used the sticker boarders and tore them into little pieces to hand to them.  They loved it!  There were stickers everywhere on our row (we didn't allow them to stick them onto anything that belonged to the plane except the pillow)!!!  But, it kept them quiet and happy for a while!   Yes, I am still finding stickers here and there!  Our other time was spent in the potty (not as much as I thought), trying to calm them and/or put them to sleep and just doing the little things that you usually do for your children all day long.

Close up of these two at naptime. : )
So, the flight was long, but we lived to tell about it, and though C cried a little and FL had a sleepy tantrum or two (or more), total crying time wasn't very much and I would have to say that they were great little travellers!
Most of the flight attendants and crew were fantastic, but there was one guy who just plain didn't like me, for whatever reason.  I won't go into all the details or incidents, but one might be helpful to others in the future.  FL needed to be changed before she went to sleep there was NO WAY she could fit on that tiny changing table in the restroom.  She is much longer than the room is wide and (thankfully) not a skinny girl.  She's two and a half!  I took a blanket to lay her on at the back of the plane, as there was a wide space in front of the restroom.  I asked two of the flight attendants if I could change her right there.  At first, they said no.  When I told them that there was no way she would fit, they agreed that it was fine.  As I was in the process of changing her, I heard, "No, no, no, no, NO!!! You CAN not do THAT there!"  It came complete with a finger wag in my face from the flight attendant that didn't like me ( I always make it a point to be polite to others, so I have no idea where his dislike came from - me having small children on a plane maybe?).  I calmly told him there was no way I could fit my daughter on that changing table and that I had permission to change her there.  "WHO gave you permission?!" was the reply, which made me feel like I was in Junior High, and being interrogated by the principal.  I told him and he stormed off.  I waited a bit to see if he came back to say anything or if I was really going to have to cram poor FL onto that table.  Then I decided to finish the job and get back to our seats.  I did, no one came back there or saw anything and life went on on the plane. So, all that being said, if you have an older child in diapers or a very tall baby, be prepared to have to squish them onto that table or hope that you have some understanding flight attendants to give you permission like I did!
I can't think of much else about the plane ride except that most everyone was very nice and asked about our girls and asked if we travelled with them everywhere , and were shocked when we told them this was their first flight (second for C) and they were newly adopted. : ) 

Here's some pictures of our bedtime!

Fl had socks on at one point -we're not neglectful parents, I promise!  Neither likes a blanket, either.  I dressed them in fleece pants, a long sleeve t shirt and a fleece jacket.  The layers were great, as the plane got both hot and cold at times. 
Once we landed and realized how early our flight was (we were facing a seven hour layover), we decided to see how quickly we could get through the channels of customs and try to get on an earlier flight.  I ended up leaving my purse on the plane and having to run back and get it (the i pad was in it, as well as C's and my passports and tickets, not to mention all of my ID!!!!!), then loaded with my purse, my backpack, C's backpack, a rolling carryon and C in the carrier (Sam was about the same) we hightailed it as fast as we could to customs.  It wasn't busy at all and Sam and I sailed right through, but because of the girls immigrating, we had to see an officer, show him the very special "Do Not Open Or Bad Things Will Happen" brown envelopes ( as C was yelling out, " PAHHHH DEEEE!  PAHHH DEEEEE!" and signing frantically) and then go to a room to wait for the brown envelope to be opened.  THankfully, the Room Where Brown Envelopes Are Opened had a play area for slap-happy, sleep deprived children and their very sleep deprived parents.  It was here that we lost yet another Parent of the Year nomination as we sat there blankly and told our children to "go play."  I didn't want Sam to spend $2.00 on a bottle of water because I temporarily forgot that we weren't still saving for an adoption, but he ignored me (which was a good thing) and got us some water.  The process took about 15 to 20 minutes I think and C and FL each had a minor meltdown, FL fell and scraped her face and C and I set off some alarm when I took her to the PAHHHH DEEEEE.  Sam and I did fine though because we were too tired to do much thinking and just handled it.
After The Room Where Brown Envelopes Are Opened we went to baggage claim, loaded up our checked luggage (thankfully they had carts) and went to the ticket counter to try and change our flight. It was a no-go because only Sam was a "Gold Member" and the girls and I were not.  Only he could be on the waiting list, and I think he temporarily considered going ahead until he saw the look on my face. ; )
We hurried as fast as we could to the gate to try and get on the flight, but going back through security held us up as the line was VERY long, we had to take out all of our liquids, take the children out of the carriers, but everything we had into little buckets, and  I couldn't find my boarding pass.  It was here that I almost had a meltdown, but by the grace of God I held it together.  I would like to say this:  If you EVER see someone travelling with small children that are strapped to her/him and struggling to get her carry on on the belt or just looking like she/he MIGHT need help, please offer.  Never once, with everything we had going on did anyone try and help or ask if they could or offer a word of encouragement.  I am going to try and do better with this myself in the future! 
After security (which all of the girls liquid snack pouches somehow made it through, but not FL's sippy cup), we hurried to the gate, but it had just closed after final boarding.  Much to our comfort, there was a long list of those waiting and we probably wouldn't have made it on anyway.  At least, that's what we told ourselves.  So, at this point, we had over 6 hours at the airport to wait.  We went to a play area and made that home for the next 5 hours.  Thankfully, C gets more and more gleeful as she gets more tired, so she was ok playing and eating snacks and taking trips to the potty for 5 hours.  Poor FL zoned out at times, but with all that she's been through, did really well.  She had only two major meltdowns that I can remember and one crazy bad diaper that forced me to use a teeny restroom changing table.
We went to our gate an hour before baording so we could feed the girls dinner and get prepared slowly.  The only problem with that was they changed our gate FIVE TIMES!!!!!  And not just one beside the other, opposite ends of the terminal, tram rides from one side to the other, and so on.  Can I say again that we have great kids?!  We loaded them up and unloaded them each time.  They just kind of went with it and all of the craziness of the day!
Finally, we boarded our plane for home.  The girls only slept about 20 minutes of the hour and a half plane ride (FL didn't like C sitting behind her ) and were sad a little bit, but, again, were troopers.  I can't tell you how many times I signed and told C "ALL DONE" when that plane landed.  She signed and said it with me, too! We made it!
Our sweet family met us at the airport with a sign and lots of love, then we drove home (the girls didn't fuss about car seats at all) to a warm, decorated home with a stocked pantry and everything - so nice!  THANK YOU!  I was so happy to see my home and my beloved animals!  The girls went to bed at 1AM or so and they slept until 9 AM!  YAHOOO!   And we jumped right back into farm life the next morning and have been on a pretty consisten schedule ever since.
Life has changed for us a lot and the adventure leading up to that change was long and sometimes difficult, but here we are and here we go!  The real adventure begins!  I hope you'll keep reading and we will try and keep writing.
Thank you and we love you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Day 21 and 22 (Travel to Hong Kong and Home!)

OUr last day at the hotel went pretty well eventhough our checkout time was 2:00 and we weren't being picked up until 3:45.  The girls have been napping from 1 to 3 every day, so this was definitely a concern, but FL did ok, though it wasn't easy for her and C did fine, though a little slap happy, if you know what I mean.
We spent some time playing in the hotel play area, eating McDonalds and taking a little walk.  Thanks for your prayers - the girls did really well in our opinion.  THey were more stressed than I realized.  The van ride went great - the girls napped for about 2 of the 3.5 hours.  We got in and gave them a snack and I showed them their dollys and they both got very ecited and finally opened up again.  I then showed C her Forever Family Day backpack and she about burst from happiness!  We knew then we would be ok!  We had a late supper of spaghetti in a very nice restaurant and the girls both did great for all that they had been through that day.
We played for a short time in an outdoor play area until about 9:15, then did bath and bedtime.  The hotel room is bigger than in GZ, but the bed wouldn't accommodate all four of us, so we asked for a crib for FL (it was a little small - almost didn't work) and pushed the couch up to the foot of the bed and covered it with a blanket for C.  I gave them both a melatonin, and with minimal fussing from FL and none from C, they were out in 20 minutes and slept until 8:00 AM!  YAY!
We had a good time playing in the room this morning and are about to head out to the airport which is connected with the hotel.  Please pray that the flight is half full like last time (it would be so nice to spread out!) and that the girls do well.  The flight should encompass most of their naptime and all of their bedtime, so I am glad of that.  Pray for sleep and room and a nice, big tailwind!  We are ready for home!
Here are some pictures from the last two days.  Not sure when I will check in again, but I hope to soon and give you all far away a report of the flight home and what worked for us.


Yes, C wanted her hair different today, FL's is not healthy enough for a topknot, though we will get there!

I have to say that once C was relieved and relaxed, FL did the same.  She takes a lot of her cues from C.  I am glad we got them together. : )

Mom, STOP taking pictures!

It's been fun!  See you soon!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 20 (Consulate Appointment)

Today was our last appointment at the US Consulate for approval to immigrate to the US and an oath taking ceremony (which was so unceremonious and I totally missed because I was watching the girls). We don't have any pictures because cameras are not allowed (understandable), but the process went fairly quickly and was pretty painless.  We picked up some paperwork (you know we're never going to be done with it!) at the medical office and walked over to the consulate with all of the girls paperwork and the girls!  We were not allowed to bring in cameras, cell phones, watches (but I did see someone with one on), or bags other than a plastic one with thigns for the girls in it.
We did bring snacks, diapers, wipes and sanatizing wipes.  We were told not to bring any toys, but I almost wish we had brought the girls' dolls and sme small books or something.  They had toys and a children's area, but it was crowded and FL was too overwhelmed to think about it.  C wanted to play in the play house, but there were lots of big kids in it and they had also put all the toys inside of it, so nothing for the girls except one toy I found that no one was playing with (we had to share that between two!).  It was nice to see the other families with their new children in there, and we had a moment to talk to a few of them (one little boy looked SO MUCH like C!  His mama thought so, too!).
After the swearing in ceremony that I didn't know was happening (it took place in front of a clerk window with a mob of parents), we picked up our things and left  We walked back to the medical office where our driver picked us up, then back to the hotel.  Total time it took was between 8:45 when we left and 10:20 when we arrived back at the hotel.  The van ride really makes FL overstimulated and causes her to shut down, so she was like a sack of potatoes the whole time (except for when she didn't want to share the one toy : ) ).  I'm glad it wasn't a full day!
The rest of the day will be packing and rounding up loose ends, so I'll go ahead and post as it is naptime and I don't think I'll have another chance.  I will try to post tomorrow from Hong Kong, but I am not sure what the day will hold.

Things I'm Glad I Brought:
* Snacks for the children
* Wipes, diapers, for just in case

THings I Wished I Had Brought:
* Small toys 
* A clear folder type thing to put the paperwork in
* Baby carriers - when will I learn that no distance is too small for a carrier!  

* A solution to a sleeping for FL - we hope we've found one!
* This BIG transition/craziness for the girls
* A safe trip home!

Thanks so much for reading, leaving comments, messages and praying for us - it is so wonderful to know we have all of you behind us! 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 19 (Again - picture of the girls in their silks!)

It is something most parents do with their new children from China - dress them up in silks and take pictures!  I had heard that the Chinese don't really ever wear these, so before I bought any, I asked three different Chinese people in three different provinces.  The general answer was that the older generation will wear them at celebrations and the little children will wear them at celebrations as well, so I felt comfortable buying these (at 3 to 5 dollars each! Thanks, Ann!) for the girls.  I bought the shoes two sizes too big so they could wear them for a long time, plus, they were unable to run away when having their picture taken! ; )

These are not fantastic pictures as they were taken in a span of 5 minutes on the playground!  Kids move fast and they wanted to play!
If you're wondering why C has a bracelet and FL doesn't, it is because FL doesn't like anything on her arms, even sleeves.  C got two bracelets from her orphanage director, so we had planned to share, but FL is not there yet.  C loves her bracelet and likes looking at mine, too.

Ok, here are some of my favorites!!!

Day 19 (Free Day, What Our Room Looks Like)

Have I mentioned how nice it is that the hotel has an outdoor play area?!  The girls so enjoy it and it is nice to have a place where you don't constantly have to restrict them and they can freely scream at the top of their lungs! : )
Flora Lin is the official gatekeeper.

Charlotte is circling the perimeter and still rocking the Miao haircut with the shaved forehead, shown clearly for you here!

Both girls love the slide, but require some help, which we happily provide!

The gatekeeper letting C in.

There is a solid stone table and stone stump chairs that make a great resting spot...

Unless your mom keeps taking pictures of you, which gets a little old when you're two. :)

So, not much going on here, really.  Other than feeding, cleaning, bathing, playing and learning about our children which pretty much takes all day.  We had wanted to get some extra sight seeing in, but with some issues we have and things that need to be packed, that probably won't be happening. 

I don't have any recommendations on what to bring because we didn't leave the hotel today, but I will show you how it looks!  It is nothing fancy (well, maybe it was until we moved in) and is very messy.  If you know me, you know I like things organized and in their place, so you'll know it has driven me crazy to live like this!!!
THis one suitcase contains medicines and food as well as other essentials.  We also keep the diapers and pull ups over here.  I think it is really supposed to be a sitting and shoe area. : )
Here's where the kids play.  I brought an old queen size flat sheet and we spread the toys out and they play on it.  Since it looks different from the carpet we can also point to it and say "go on the mat" and the girls know what that means.  All hotel floors are not as clean as we would like, but spitting on the ground is culturally ok here, so staying on the mat unless you have shoes on it what we do!  When it i s time for the maids to clean, we simply pick it up and stick it and everything in it in a corner!  Easy!
Toys our 2.5 year olds have loved:
finger puppets, squeaky blocks, bowl, colander, stacking cups (it is actually round and becomes a ball, or several or bowls or a tower, etc.), small bouncy balls with lights inside, childrens purses, a buiness card (total accident!  It becomes a cell phone to them! So funny!), little board books, big books for nap time and bed time.  We use water bottles cut to different sizes for tub toys.  We brougth no "noisy" toys on purpose.  The one that someone on the trip gave us caused meltdowns, so it had to leave.
The mess is real!  We pushed both beds together and against a wall so we have one large bed.  C gets one to herself since she rolls and kicks in the night.  You can see a little bit the pillow nest I make for her.  She feels safer when boxed in and the pillows protect us from her blows!  She does throw a hand over her pillow at night to search for mine until she falls asleep.  It's pretty sweet.
Our bathroom is SO MUCH MORE than a bathroom!  It's a kitchen, pharmacy and water boiling station as well!  Not an inch goes unused!
Here is the part that is mostly a kitchen.  I have eaten more ramen noodles here than I ever did in college!
One of the biggest challenges for me is that every time you want water you MUST boil it or buy it in a bottle.  The locals do not even drink it and you have to remind yourself to keep your mouth closed in the shower.
This is the diaper changing station for FL - a nice thick bath mat.  The wipes and diaper ointment stay in the entry way.  I know the maids must think we're crazy, but the clean up is so easy!

And there you have it - room 736 in all of its craziness!!!! :)  Yep - that's what C did when I asked for a smile (FL is sadly in shutdown mode, as you can see)!

We're one day closer to home!

*  We may have a solution for sleep - keep praying!
* This post is back dated, but we actauly leave for Hong Kong tomorrow - please pray for C and FL as this will be very confusing and scary for them.  We don't know what they will be thinking, but change is hard for any 2.5 year old, especially a newly adopted one, and that's all they've had since they've been with us.  We know that C is frightened of packed up suitcases so I am sure FL will be scared, too.
* The girls passed their medical tests!
* Today (Tuesday) has been better as far as meltdowns for us - keep praying we handle them as we should!
* Our family, friends and farm back home - the weather hasn't been great and so many people are working so hard to keep things going!