Saturday, January 17, 2015

This Is For the Birds! - Part 5

Day 5 finished up Bird Week.  I traced a simple outline of birds, helped the girls put glue along the outline, had C and FL sprinkle birdseed over the picture and then we shook our pictures off into an old cookie sheet.

Squeezing the glue was a good exercise for C's left hand.  She really enjoys our creative/learning activities each day.  She approaches with curiosity and enthusiasm.  

FL struggles with things that are new, which is almost every activity that we do.   It is understandable with all that she's been through and I am optimistic that her reactions to new activities will improve with time.   If you don't see her in a lot of the pictures, it isn't because I forgot about her, it is just because she wasn't able to handle the activity at the time.  Today was one of those days, so I don't have pictures of each step and child, but know that they both got the attention that they needed, in the way that they needed it, when they needed it!  : )

C liked cleaning up the birdseed after each picture the most!

Here's her first picture:

I thought the results were cute and the process easy, so we did another with her name and her own personal glue squiggles!

She likes anything that includes her name, so I helped her draw it in glue.  It was also cute!   We ended up taping these pictures to a table outside for the birds to eat.  They were a little too messy to keep inside and gradually dropped the seeds.

FL was able to make a picture later on when she was her sunny self again!   We had lots of left over birdseed, so it was put to good use in the sensory bins.  The girls had a great time with those all weekend!
Bird Week was fun and really "flew by!"  ; )  next week is Sensory Week!  It should be another fun one!


  1. Another great job. How long will you be able to come up with new ideas? :)

  2. You are a very patient and creative mom!!


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