Saturday, June 13, 2015

Six Month Check Up at the IAC

We recently traveled to the International Adoption Clinic to have the girls' six month post adoption check up.  The girls did great, charmed everyone as always!  I can't believe that we have been together for six months already, and yet it feels like we have been together so much longer!

We met with the IAC physician, occupational therapist and a family therapist.  Normally, they draw blood for all kinds of lab work to follow up, such as checking vitamin levels and rechecking for HIV.  Our girls are doing so well and look so great that they easily allowed us to bypass the traumatic process of drawing blood.  We were thankful!  They always have trouble getting blood from FL and oh, how they cry!  It breaks my heart and I hate to put them through it if it is not necessary, which it wasn't.

The girls have really progressed, especially FL.  They amazed everyone there!

We still have a very long way to go with attachment between our daughters and us.  That was hard to hear, but I have a renewed focus.  It will always be ongoing, as all relationships require nurturing, but the trauma of abandonment is big.  Bigger than I can explain in a blog post or a conversation with a friend.
But they are so worth it.
I didn't get much help in furthering exploration into C's left side weakness.  The OT just wants to "see how she does."  I want to look into having X-rays done to rule out spinal issues and possibly bracing one hand.  She compensates so well and she is so wonderful, but I want to help her reach her fullest potential possible at the earliest time possible.  She is frustrated with her left hand often and I don't think sewing belt loops to the inside of the left side of all of her clothing is going to make it better.
I'll stop there and just say that I want the very best for my children.  They've been through too much on their little lives already.  I just love them.  I want to fix what I can because there is so much that I can't fix.

On a lighter note, we went out for lunch and ice cream after the appointment.  And Mama's coffee was enough motivation for someone to finally drink from a straw for the first time!  : )

It is a joy to be a mom, especially a mom to my girls and an honor to advocate for their needs.  I'm forever in their corner and so thankful to be there for them.

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