Our morning followed the routine, with a few new and special foods for the day and "present opening" for our morning activity. When we stick to our schedule, that sets up our girls for success for the day! They don't have to worry about what surprise might be around the corner and whether or not they can handle it emotionally. Routine is safety for them right now, and it gives them a sense of "control" over their day. In their lives, they have been feeling overwhelmed and out of control for nearly two months since they met us, so predictability and stability are their security blankets. Please know that we MISSED all of you and our traditions SO MUCH today. You have been on our minds and in our thoughts constantly! However, this Christmas Day has been so special, as God has already given us two of the most wonderful gifts we could ever hope to recieve! : ) I've had some presents wrapped up for them for nearly two years, and they got to open them today - it has been really, REALLY special!
Ok, on to the pictures! Warning - there are a lot! : )
We satrted off the day getting special hair-do's as a way to pass the time while Papa made a special breakfast (an Adams Family tradition!)
This little cutie doesn't have much hair for a topknot, but we got some Cindy Lou Who pigtails out of it! : ) (neither hair do lasted very long, BTW, but we had fun and some laughs!)
After breakfast, we got dressed and took some pictures together. The girls love to dress up and they are growing out of everything, so I let them wear these Spring dresses I bought when Charlotte's file was released to us last April. Kind of special to me! : ) I had forgotten until I put them on!
Papa's girl!
Ok, ok, ok, I know you want to see them open presents! : )
Flora Lin and Charlotte's first presents:
Two little shirts! They are about to grow out of these already, as I bought them before I ever met the girls! C's has stars on it and a little girl, neat because she loves the song "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," but I didn't know that at the time. FL's has a fox, which is also neat because she likes to sign "fox" whenever she sees a picture of one and is particularly proud of that sign. : )
"Thank you, Mama and Papa, we really like them!"
A side note about our bows here, because I know all you northerners are wondering how they can even hold their heads up! We've been talking a lot about BIG vs little these days, and compared all of the bows that they have. Today, C announced that she wanted the "BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG BOW!!!!!!" and even after a word of caution about whiplash, etc. she was still insistent and FL backed up her decision. So there you have it. They are full Southern Belles! : ) No talking them out of it!
C had to help FL open hers, and C loves to do anything that makes her feel like the girl that is just "in the know." She took charge, but that was the last time FL let that happen! ; )
"Yay, more puzzles! And on sale, too!"
C LOVED being the one to find and pass out the presents. FL loved having them delivered to her! : )

I told you there were a lot of pictures! : )
They recieved five presents each today, four from us and one from our pastor and his wife. We kept them fairly simple, as everything in our house is practically a new toy, and, truthfully, we have everything we need! We left out one new toy each for the girls for today and will rotate the others in and out since that's what we do with everything else to keep it from being overwhelming and overstimulating. They didn't mind at all. : ) I think I even heard a "Fank you! (thank you)" from C!
So that was our Christmas morning. After a little while, the girls played outside and we ate a fantastic spaghetti lunch, and the sweet ones are now down for a nap and here I am talking to you. : ) Hope your day has been as beautifully simple and quietly joyful as ours has!
Here's a few pictures of what Sam and I got for Christmas!
All thanks be to God!!!!
Thank you for posting this and making us part of your day. You were sorely missed!