Sunday, April 19, 2015

: ( My Poor Lin Lin

Last Tuesday night, my sweet girl and I had an accident at home.  And I knew she wasn't ok in my heart, but gave her medicine, bed rest and lots and lots of TLC.  On Wednesday morning after her speech therapy, I knew I had to trust my gut and take her to the doctor.

The pediatrician felt she probably had a bad sprain in her left knee or ankle since there was no visible swelling or bruising, but sent us on to the imaging center just to be sure.  I was hopeful since Flora Lin was laughing and singing at the top of her lungs at breakfast that morning.

FL was just happy because she was being carried everywhere and given the promise of crackers at some point (which had previously been withheld due to her palate surgery).

When you have two little girls this age, you take lots of trips to the potty.  FL was thrilled to sit on the changing table while waiting her turn!

She was just so very happy!

And after a visit to the imaging center, we got the news that her left tibia was fractured...   Oh, my poor girl!   I can't tell you how awful I felt...   I had to put them in the car with the air on and just let it out for a little bit where they couldn't see me.

On to orthopedics with my two little troopers for a cast.

She chose purple for the color because, "Mama favorite!" 

 I pretty much vowed then and there to give her whatever she wanted.  That afternoon she was the proud owner of a new scooter, several new dresses, chocolate pudding, cookies...  You get the picture.

And let me tell you something you already knew...  This girl is amazing!  She is scooting, riding, playing, laughing, singing, talking, hopping, spinning, crawling, standing and almost walking!

And she and her smile live up to every bit of her middle name - Joy.

And, yes, she's still getting everything she wants.  : )


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