Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Check In

We're here and checked in:

The wait was quick and the girls had fun playing.   C was a little nervous, but FL didn't seem to have much anxiety.

She liked her "dress" and C was a little jealous that she didn't get a special dress and bracelet.

Taking her down the hall and handing her over was really hard.  I'll never forget the look she gave me.
There were some tears on my part, but everyone else did ok.   C was upset by it.  Once I was able to talk to her about it and reassure her we would see FL when she was "all done" with her cleft and give her a big hug, she relaxed a little and was able to play some.   She said, "F'yin all done, BIIIIIIG hug!   I yuv you, F'yin.  Good job!"

Couldn't say it better myself.


  1. It is very, very hard to turn your child over to someone else. Especially one so small who has already been through so much. She will be glad to see you when it is done. So many people are thinking of you today. We love you!

  2. Goodness...I'm tearing up just thinking about the girls. Praying for your family and sweet little Flora Lin's recovery.

  3. Boy I have tears as well. Brave girls and parents. Many prayers for all of you.


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