So, we are still waiting on Charlotte's RA (referral acceptance document) to come from Ch*na. I did call our agency just to check on things and ask a few questions about travel and our timeline. Obviously, the longer it takes the RA to come, the longer it will be until we travel. Flora Lin's paperwork has been done and ready for over a month, so it's upsetting that she is having to wait longer and be without her family. We *could* go ahead and travel to get her, but that would mean me leaving her later (thus disrupting the attachment process greatly) , me travelling by myself the second time (NOT GOOD! We're such a great team!) and coming up with travel expenses for the second trip (we're talking well into the thousands here) . So, we wait. It can take anywhere from two to four months for an RA to come, so it's amazing that Flora Lin's came in two weeks. We are at the two month mark with Charlotte's RA. The earliest we would travel would be three months from now. Every week that the RA doesn't come starts that three month travel time over again. So, we are kind of living in some sort of adoption Groundhog Day... :)
I have really been struggling with the wait, as most of you know, over the past two weeks. On top of that, I found out a typhoon hit Flora Lin's orphanage and surrounding area. They are reportedly ok, but it hurts to know my little one, who's gone through too much alone already, went through a scary storm without a mama or papa to hug and kiss her and reassure her that everything will be ok.
Thankfully, I'm coping with the waiting blues and frustration much better this week. God's given me His peace and I have finally stopped trying to take control over something I can't understand (we'll see how long that lasts! :)).
Someone once said something to the effect of, "Enjoy the season you are in- don't wish it away for the next. " I feel like I'm at the point where I can do that right now. Truthfully, I am choosing to have only good days, REALLY good days and GREAT days! :) It's a choice, I am blessed to be at this point in the adoption process, I'm getting TWO precious girls (Lord willing) and I have such wonderful family and friends that make each day something special. ;) Stop laughing, y'all! I'm going to ride this wave as far as it will take me!!!
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23
(Read verse 24, too, just because! It's a good one! )

I have really been struggling with the wait, as most of you know, over the past two weeks. On top of that, I found out a typhoon hit Flora Lin's orphanage and surrounding area. They are reportedly ok, but it hurts to know my little one, who's gone through too much alone already, went through a scary storm without a mama or papa to hug and kiss her and reassure her that everything will be ok.
Thankfully, I'm coping with the waiting blues and frustration much better this week. God's given me His peace and I have finally stopped trying to take control over something I can't understand (we'll see how long that lasts! :)).
Someone once said something to the effect of, "Enjoy the season you are in- don't wish it away for the next. " I feel like I'm at the point where I can do that right now. Truthfully, I am choosing to have only good days, REALLY good days and GREAT days! :) It's a choice, I am blessed to be at this point in the adoption process, I'm getting TWO precious girls (Lord willing) and I have such wonderful family and friends that make each day something special. ;) Stop laughing, y'all! I'm going to ride this wave as far as it will take me!!!
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. ~ Hebrews 10:23
(Read verse 24, too, just because! It's a good one! )