Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Dental Day and Post-op Check Up

Recently, Flora Lin went under general anesthesia for the placement of three full crowns and the treatment of over seven cavities.   Though we weren't expecting any complications, it's never easy to hand over your little one to strangers and wait.

Unless, of course, you're the sister and you get to pretend you are drinking coffee and have both parents all to yourself.  ; )

I went back with FL during the wait and was able to convince them to give her the "versed" to relax her.  She kept telling me she was scared (this was her fourth time being put under - she knew what was going on).  When they came to get her, she didn't kick and scream (she 'accepts' the separation so sadly), but kept saying, "want Mama" over and over with her signs and blurry words only her family can understand.  Every child does this I'm sure, but I know to her there is the added feeling of knowing what it is like to be forever separated from your family, times two.   I wish the medical community would be more aware and sensitive to this fear.  I'm certain they have good reasons, but it is hard for our little ones.

She is so sweet and snuggley after sedation.  That's the silver lining in all of it!
Poor thing kept asking to eat and drink.  She drank two grape juice containers, a glass of water, an applesauce squeezy, some bread and convinced the nurse to have me give her some of my coffee.  She was also named model patient of the day by the recovery nurses.  ; )

In a little over a week later, we went back for a check up.  We had nothing but progress to report.  However, there was some pain post op due to them holding her mouth open as much as possible (jaw soreness and cracking of the skin on the lips and at the corners of the mouth) as well as the removal of skin where the crowns were placed.  The anesthesiologist placed the airway tube through her throat rather than through her nose due to previous surgery on those areas.  Having to work around this in a little mouth probably resulted in more throat soreness as it was shifted and pushed out of the way, I would imagine.  The dentist said all of this was normal and everything looked good.  FL was easy to work with and proud to show off her new teeth!

Over all, it was a good experience.  We are at Baptist East for so many different things and we have always had kind and caring people working with us and a positive experience. 
 We had to take a picture to commemorate, though the sun was so bright!

Pretty good marketing scheme, don't you think?! ; )
After that appointment, we moved on to occupational therapy and physical therapy for C!

We stay busy!

But it is a very blessed kind of busy!  
Thankful I get to walk these two sweethearts through all of this as their mama!

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