Sunday, August 10, 2014

Flora Lin Update !!!!!

While we are still waiting the arrival of Charlotte's paperwork from China, we did finally get something that really cheered us up:  NEW PICTURES AND A VIDEO OF FLORA LIN!  I worry about both of my girls, but it puts me a little at ease that Charlotte is in foster care with a family.  She gets one on one love daily.  Our little Lin Lin's life was much more of a worrisome mystery.  We've prayed each day for hope, joy, love and nourishment to be given to our girls daily and those prayers have been answered!
A team of four people recently went to Flora Lin's SWI (Social Welfare Institute - they don't call them orphanages) in Shantou and was able to provide us with photos and information about her that we didn't have before.  One young lady, Miranda, became very close with our sweet daughter.  She was kind enough to let us call her up and ask her questions about Flora Lin and told us more about our daughter's personality (she has plenty :))!  It was so wonderful for us!
Ok, enough with the words...  here's the video and pictures!

The sweet lady (Thanks, Lara!) who took this video was on the team.  She told us that Flora Lin was very wary of the strangers, especially her!  So, I believe that's why she's giving her the "stink eye" at first in this video.  They tried putting a pom pom on her head, as you see, to get her to smile, but she wasn't having any of that!  Later, she warmed up to Miranda and became very close with her.
Flora Lin's sweet smile just makes us melt and ache for her all the more.  It also cheered us up because Flora Lin was SO stoic in her last videos.  That big smile from her referral picture is back! :)


Flora Lin was also in her first dance recital!  Her costume and make up is a hoot!

The SWI caregivers really try and give the children some sensory stimulation.  In the videos of the children outside, there is music playing, different toys scattered around, caregivers interacting with the children and children using the play equipment.  It's not the ideal environment of a family, but they do care about these kids (especially our Lin Lin :)).

I think it is so cute that she has a "rocking chicken" instead of a rocking horse! :)

We LOVE you, sweet Florence Joy!  We are coming soon, and my, oh my is there a LOT of love waiting on you in Alabama (and across the USA for that matter)!
I can't wait to teach you how to feed the chickens, ride horses, play with play dough, dance in the rain, paint wonderful masterpieces and live life and love to the fullest!  We'll go through some difficult times, no doubt, but we will go through them TOGETHER!

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