Friday, February 6, 2015

Farm, Fun and Feedsacks

The girls help me feed the horses and tend to the chickens nearly every afternoon/ evening.   They've never been upset about going to "help the horses eat" and will also remind me that there are chickens and dogs that also need tending.

I often wonder if they get bored, but it almost always seems to be a happy time for us.   I do try and keep it interesting when I can and make sure they have a role in each chore.  When something new or interesting comes up I do my best to stop and enjoy the moment.

On this particular day, I let the girls take turns carrying an empty feed sack down to the trash can at the end of our long driveway.  It is a long walk, but we do it each day.  Then I thought of a better idea!   Why carry the feed sack when it can carry you?!  We used it like a sled and I definitely got my exercise pulling it super fast for them!

The girls had the best time riding on the feed sack!   I don't have pictures of the actual ride, but we had a lot of laughs!   It was a good day to be growing up on the farm! : ) 

I'm so thankful that God has given us this farm to enjoy with our children.  It is a lot of hard work, but it is so good for them in so many ways and so good for us.

I hope I can always remember to look for the opportunities to make life memorable and beautiful for my girls.

The days are long, but the years are short.

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